Tag: AI

  • Dangs Explorer: Turning this wordpress blog into travel specialist ChatGPT

    Dangs Explorer: Turning this wordpress blog into travel specialist ChatGPT

    https://chat.openai.com/g/g-cD3JPW44f-dangs-explorer Try the custom GPT above Since the ever popular chatbot ChatGPT was launched in Nov 2022, I started to follow the world of LLMs. After the launch of GPT 4, I not only started to follow but also started to use it on a daily basis. The primary use case for me is to…

  • Chatbot Chronicles: OMDb Facebook Messenger Bot

    Chatbot Chronicles: OMDb Facebook Messenger Bot

    Chatbots are the next big thing in the hot Artificial Intelligence market.  For the uninitiated, chatbots are artificial intelligence powered (or rule based) computer programs that can mimic human behavior while interacting with actual humans. In simpler words, chatbots are smart programs that can talk to a human in humanly way. I had a free weekend so…