
” I haven’t been to everywhere. I didn’t do everything. But it’s on my list. “

I’ve formatted this about section in Q & A format for easy navigation and readability.

Who are you? and What do you do? 

I’m a Software Engineer. At 25 yrs now, too old to be called teen and too young to be called an uncle. 😃

I did my Bachelors in Computer Science from a state university in Gujarat, India. Right after my graduation in 2016, I joined a startup in Hyderabad, India.

In mid of 2018, I moved to Raleigh, USA to pursue Master’s degree and to explore new places, people and opportunities. I graduated from NC State University with MS in Computer Science.

After Master’s, I joined Oracle Cloud Infrastructure [OCI] as Software Engineer. I work on distributed backend services.


At Tagaytay Volcano, Philippines

Countries Visited So Far: 8
– India

  • Bhutan 2016
  • Philippines 2018
  • United States 2018
  • Thailand 2019
  • Bali, Indonesia 2019
  • Hong Kong 2019
  • Dubai 2019

Cool! What else do you do?

As much as I love computers, I love travelling 5x more. I prefer travelling to relatively unknown places and write about them here on this site. Primary list of my interests include,

  • Photography/film making
  • Traveling
  • Financial markets
  • Computers, programming and technology
  • Fitness/health/nutrition
At Yellowstone National Park

What about this website?

When I was pursuing my Bachelor’s, I had plenty of free time and a flock of ideas that I wanted to share.

On one afternoon of August 2014, I published my first post.

Eventually as I continued writing, website turned into a hub to share travel experiences, cool projects I work on, photography showcase and what not!

Any stats of website?

I never expected that so many people would read my posts. After a month of my first blog post, Google started ranking my website for various keywords. As I kept writing original travel stories, the ranking kept improving. At one of the peak times, the website had over 200,000 pageviews/month.

At the time of this update (March 2019), I am not as active as earlier years due to other responsibilities. On an average, I get over 100,000 pageviews/month.

The travel category accounts for more than 90% of the traffic.

How to contact you?

Contact page

Do you make money from this website?

I used to. I made several hundred $ every year from Google Ads.

After I started my full-time job, I removed all ads.


25 responses to “About”

  1. Smita Avatar

    Hi દર્પણ બેટા,
    કેમ છો તમે, ઘણા વર્ષો પહેલાં મેં તમારો કોન્ટેક્ટ કર્યો હતો, તમારા blogs વાંચીને, અને એના કારણે જ અમે ડાંગ, સાપુતારા સહિત ઘણા સ્થળો પર ફરવા જઈ શક્યા હતા, દિલ થી આભાર બેટા
    આજે અચાનક જ News paper માં, કેવડી eco tourism camp site નું વાંચ્યું અને ગૂગલ સર્ચ કરી રહી હતી તો તમારો એક બ્લોગ ઉપર નામ જોયું અને થોડી વધારે deep reading કર્યું તો તરત જ હું તમને ઓળખી ગઈ અને જાત ને રોકી ના શકી, તરત જ તમને massage કર્યો છે, હું retied woman છું, જુનાગઢ મા રહું છું
    આપને દિલ થી ખૂબ ખૂબ શુભેચ્છાઓ
    ખૂબ આગળ વધો, ખૂબ પ્રગતિ કરો એવા શુભાશિષ
    Smita Patel

    1. Darpan Avatar

      Thank you for your kind words, I’ve sent you an email

  2. Dilip trivedi Avatar
    Dilip trivedi

    Always be blessed n enjoy your Life

    1. Mrs Burgess Avatar
      Mrs Burgess


      I spent my youth living overseas! What a nice list of countries you have visited!
      This is my list:
      Puerto Rico
      Aleutian Islands, Alaska–Adak & Attu & Shemya
      Anchorage, Alaska
      Fairbanks, Alaska
      Mt. Denali, Alaska

      I’m a California resident. If you ever get to California, be sure to visit the Northern Coastal Redwoods. The Avenue of the Giants is reverent to visit! You’ll be amazed! Also, check out Monterey, CA.

      What a good life you are making for yourself! Keep enjoying it!

      Mrs. B~

      1. Darpan Avatar

        Thank you! You’ve traveled to a lot of countries too! I’ve noted down your suggestions about California.

  3. Kuldeep singh Avatar
    Kuldeep singh

    Really good information brother.I also think the entire interview of USA depend on confidence and documents.i also want to give the interview for f1 student visa in Hyderabad.I completed my graduation with A grade.please share some suggest relating to the interview

  4. Utpal B Rathod Avatar
    Utpal B Rathod

    We look for 2 day traveling plan form Vadodara please provide service for the same.

  5. SANKET SHAH Avatar

    Hello Darpanji,

    I went through your details given by you on south Gujarat and it’s quite interesting. I need your small help. Can you connect me with any good guide for that area to explore.

    Kind Regards
    Sanket Shah

    1. Darpan Dodiya Avatar

      Hello Mr Shah,

      Unfortunately I do not know any guide in Dangs area. I remember seeing a page of Gujarat Tourism where they list all guides in Gujarat. Not sure how updated or useful that list would be, but you may want to try it out.

  6. Suresh Avatar


    Great work with the website, since you are studying abroad? Wanted to ask if you have heard for GyanDhan’s Admit Predictor? If yes, how reliable is the outcome of that tool.

    Here is the link for your reference: https://www.gyandhan.com/admit-predictor

    1. Darpan Dodiya Avatar

      Thanks Suresh for sharing the tool. I have graduated already and started full time job now.

  7. Milan Bamaniya Avatar
    Milan Bamaniya

    Hello Darpan Dodiya SIR,

    First i decided to starting conversation, as of my side there is no need of greeting as i thought, but later again i thought, the way you are doing your degree completion and the way u made website is not pretty good.

    Its very very pretty good the content you given, the way u written and everything i liked.

    owk, sorry i wrote many things but all are meaningless and apart from what i need to ask u so i directly come to the point that,
    My name is milan and i am pursing my MSc in Information Technology,
    i just wanted to need some knowledge, ideas and related to this feild some resources thats it sir.

    Thank you very much.
    Have a nys day.

    1. Darpan Dodiya Avatar

      Hey Milan,

      Thanks for the kind words. If you have any specific questions, you can contact me via visiting contact page on this website. Wish you all the best for your career!

  8. Mona Avatar

    Well, it’s mystery how did i reach your site.. Apparently, planning to visit India this December and came across this site while searching about Ajwa Nimeta Gardens.. Lot of Info and posts here.. Liked the way you have created! Impressed by the amount of work and information shared here! Good luck and Keep going all the way from NZ 🙂

    1. Darpan Dodiya Avatar

      Hi Mona,

      That’s great to hear! 😊

      Co-incidently, your comment has made a round around the world. You’re in NZ, you commented on pages related to IN and I’m typing this sitting in US right now 🙌

  9. mayuri Avatar

    Hi glad to stop by your site
    I am too Gujarati based at surat and travel blogger.you can check my website.
    I found good information on your blog.
    I am travelling to hyderabad on 20/9/18 ,..would love to catch up..drop mail if so
    and let me introduce to nooks and corners of hyderabad
    happy travelling! keep inspiring!

    1. Darpan Dodiya Avatar

      Hey Mayuri

      Just checked your website. Superb and in depth content!

      I wish I could’ve joined you in Hyderabad..I am moving to USA by next week.

      Have a happy journey and happy Biryani 🙂

  10. Padmanabh Vora Avatar
    Padmanabh Vora

    Hi Darpan,

    Its so relieving to find a Gujarati writing a detailed travelogue for places of Gujarat. I am travelling via Surat to Tithal and Saputara. Just as a background research, was checking out options nearby. And found your blog. I feel gujarat has so much to offer for tourism but its under-rated, and unexplored. But once this will be explored, it will turn out to be nuisance. The exoticism of such places are ruined once they are hailed by popular tourists. You know what I mean!

    Just dropped by to acknowledge your blog. Loved the way of presentation. A bit of more details like maps, how to get there, cost, activities that can be done would definitely enrich this blog.

    Thanks for being here.

    Padmanabh Vora.

    1. Darpan Dodiya Avatar

      Hello Mr Vora,

      Thank you so much for dropping by. Glad to see your thoughts on the blog.

      Appreciate your feedback about addition of more content details such as Google Maps integration. I have added to my future To-Do list. Due to circumstances, I have tight schedule till this year end. After transitioning to 2018, I have planned to add details of multitudinous places.

      I reckon your point of prominent places getting ruined by excessive amount of tourists. Been there, seen it. As an exception though – most, if not all, of the Dang area tourism places have managed to sustain the balance between popularity and serenity.

      Feel free to send across any further feedback or suggestions. Would love to hear.

      Happy Journey!


  11. Jemish Patel Avatar
    Jemish Patel

    Hello Mr. Darpanbhai i have to go many places in dang or ahva.
    First i have see your blog page nd all places and its photos thank you so much for your blogs.
    It is very helpful to go this places i loved this all places i have also like to travelling to unknown places. Thank you so much

    1. Darpan Dodiya Avatar

      Hello Jemishbhai,

      Thank you very much for your kind words. Happy to see my writeups helping a enthusiastic traveller like you.

      I might have missed one or two places in my articles. If you unravel a new place, please drop a message. I will post photos and details about the place here on blog to help fellow travelers.

      Happy Day,

  12. sangramsinh parmar Avatar
    sangramsinh parmar

    Hi Darpan,
    I am very impressed by the stuff you have written and the way you systematically and nicely compile information. It is very rare these days to find people who do things “properly”.
    Very very well done – keep it up.
    I shall keenly follow your travels; especially in Dangs; i too am a great fan of that region, but unfortunately have not been able to travel too much there.
    Cheers !!

    1. Darpan Dodiya Avatar

      Hello Mr Parmar!

      Thank you very very much! 🙂

      You’re the first one to notice that organization of content. I painstakingly try to be as organized as I can.

      Thank you again.

      If you have any constructive feedback, please let me know. Will be happy to hear.

      Let me know if you need any help in travelling to Dangs. Coincidentally, right now I’m in train. Taking break from Hyderabad and going home (Vansda – near Dangs) to enjoy the greenery. 🙂

      Cheers! 🍻

  13. Mukesh Tank Avatar
    Mukesh Tank

    Hello Darpan,

    Had been to Padamdungri some few years back, but the visit was just a flash. However I like the place very much and was thinking to be there. Was doing some web search and found your blog. Very much impressive. Would like to be in touch with you as we share the same passion. I stay in Mumbai (Mira Road) and am Company Secretary by profession.

    1. Darpan Dodiya Avatar

      Hello Mr Tank,

      Happy to see your message, thanks for stopping by here.

      I will get in touch over your email.

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